How to link a form field to a client profile field in Bookem

Forms collect client information, including contact details, medical history, and medical aid information. This data can be stored on the form or merged with the client's Bookem profile.

  • Dynamic form fields Frequently needed information, like medical aid details, should be merged and will automatically update in the profile when the form is revised. This integrated data is accessible throughout Bookem's functionalities, where client details are extracted.

  • Static form fields: Occasional information, such as the referring practitioner's name, can remain on the form and be accessed in the client's profile

Linking an existing client profile field to a form field

If you have all the required fields on your client profiles, then you can hop straight to linking them in your forms.

Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Forms in the side menu

  2. Open the form to start editing

  3. Scroll to find the unlinked form field without a paperclip icon on the top right

  4. Click 'Show More...'

  5. Click on the drop-down menu under 'Link to client field'

  6. Select the client field to link and click 'Link'

  7. Click 'Update field'

    You have successfully linked an existing client profile field to a form field

Creating a custom client field

If you don't yet have all the client fields you need, such as Occupation or Medical Aid Details, add them to your client profile settings first.

Follow theses steps:

  1. Go to the Clients section in Bookem

  2. Click on the Profile Fields button at the top

  3. Click on the + Add Field button or click the plus between existing fields

  4. Select the type of field you would like to add

  5. Enter the required information

  6. Click on the 'Add Item' button

  7. Click 'Save'

Linking a custom client field to a form

Once you have created a custom client field, you can link it to a form. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Forms

  2. Select the 'Edit' button of the relevant form

  3. Click on the '+Add' button or click the plus between existing fields

  4. The profile field you created will appear in this list, select it

  5. Click 'Save'

Now whenever a client fills out the form, the information from the custom client field will be merged with their profile.

An example of how it works

You create a custom client field called "Patient ID #"

Now navigate to the form you'd like to use it on and click on 'Edit'

Then click on the + below or above any other field on your form

Choose the new client profile field (Patient ID # in this example) that you added in the steps above:

Click Save

Now when a client fills out this web form, their ID number will be merged with their profile. 🎉

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