With Bookem Documents (formerly our Notes feature), you can effortlessly create and send professional and medical documents. You can create templates for any document or use them blank.
Documents are typically useful for:
Clinical/treatment notes
Referral letters
Sick notes
Post-consultation programs and plans, e.g., eating plans, rehab programmes
Follow these steps:
1. Go to Clients and find the client you'd like to create a document for
2. Click the client's name to access their profile and go to the 'Documents' tab
3. Click '+New document' to select a blank document or existing document template
4. You can now make notes on the document by using text and other fields
5. Consider including any of the following in your document notes:
Check lists
Drop-down lists
Free drawing/ scribbling areas
Diagrams and images
Page breaks
Horizontal lines for separations between sections
Document headers
Other templates: Reuse one or more other templates within your template
6. Once you are done with your session notes, click 'Create' and then 'Save & Close'
1. Open your document
2. Click '+Insert > Forms' and choose the document form to insert
3. Scroll down and select 'Update' at the bottom to insert the form
4. You can add any of the following to your document note:
Check lists
Drop-down lists
Free drawing/ scribbling areas
Diagrams and images
Page breaks
Horizontal lines for separations between sections
Other templates: Reuse one or more other templates within your template
5. Once you are done with your session notes, click 'Create' and then 'Save & Close'
Follow these steps:
1. Go to Clients and find the client you'd like to create a document for
2. Click the client's name to access their profile and go to the 'Documents' tab
3. Click 'New document' and select the referral letter template
4. Here's an example of a pre-loaded template to fill out:
5. You can save and/or send it to the client and/or the provider you are referring to by adding their email address into the bar before sending
Follow these steps:
1. Go to Clients and find the client you'd like to create a document for
2. Click the client's name to access their profile and go to the 'Documents' tab
3. Click 'New document' and select the referral letter template
4. Here's an example of a pre-loaded template to fill out:
5. You can save and/or send it to the client and/or a third party, like their employer by adding their email address into the bar before sending
Follow these steps:
1. Go to Clients and find the client you'd like to create a document for
2. Click the client's name to access their profile and go to the 'Documents' tab
3. Click 'New document' and select the referral letter template
4. Here's an example of a pre-loaded template to fill out:
Click here to learn more
Follow these steps:
1. Go to Clients and find the client you'd like to create a document for
2. Click the client's name to access their profile and go to the 'Documents' tab
3. Click 'New document' and select the appropriate template, or create a new one if necessary
4. Here's an example of a pre-loaded template to fill out:
5. You can save and/or send it to the client and/or a third party, like their employer by adding their email address into the bar before sending