Your location is where your business operates. It can be either:
A physical address: Clients will receive a map link in their appointment notifications (e.g., reminders). Clicking on the map will take them to your location on Google Maps.
Online: For businesses offering virtual services, this can simply indicate that no physical address is required.
You can associate the following with locations:
Team Members
This allows clients booking online to see:
Where the service is offered
Who will provide the service
Team members may work at more than one location
Services can be offered at specific or all locations.
Location-specific pricing can be set up if needed.
Go to Settings > Locations
click "+Add" and complete the required information.
Once your Locations are set up, go ahead and:
Associate Team Members and Resources
Associate Services
To add or remove Associated locations:
To add or remove associated locations:
Go to Settings > Team Members or Settings > Resources.
Edit the profile of the team member or resource.
Select or deselect the relevant locations.
Here’s a profile for Dr Sara Thompson:
Sara works at Rosebank and Sea Point, so both locations are associated with her profile
1. Go Settings > Services
2. Click on the service you would like to associate with a location
3. At the bottom, click '+Add location'
4. Select the location you want to add and specify who will provide the service at that location
5. Add the price to the service (if you are using Bookem for invoicing or showing prices online)
That's it. Just remember to save before you leave this page.