How to delete, disable or replace a team member in Bookem

There are many reasons why you might want to remove a team member. It's important to know how to do it correctly.

We'll use some case scenarios to explain how to correctly go about removing a team member in Bookem.

Scenario A: A team member is going on leave

If a bookable team member is going on extended leave, e.g. maternity or paternity leave:

  • Disable bookings for them. This won't incur licensing fees for Bookem

  • Don't revoke access nor delete them

Downsides to doing this are that their calendar/bookings are hidden. These can, however, be retrieved by enabling them for bookings again and paying prorated Bookem fee for remainder of the month. It is therefore important to disable them for bookings before the end of the billing cycle.

In Settings > Team members, under the team member profile, toggle ' This team member can be booked' to OFF

NOTE: Deleting a team member will hide them, from your view and prevent them accessing Bookem, while revoking login will block them from accessing their Bookem profile.

Scenario B: A team member is leaving the practice

If a bookable team member is leaving the practice

  • Revoke access and don't delete to keep them in view


  • If you want them hidden from view, you can delete them

In Settings > Team members, under the team member profile, click 'Revoke login' or 'Delete'

Scenario C: A receptionist is leaving the practice

  • Delete their team member profile if they're not coming back

Scenario D: A bookable team member is temporarily being replaced by another

  • Revoke access and don't delete to keep them in view


    If you want them hidden from view, you can delete them

In Settings > Team members, under the team member profile, click 'Revoke login' or 'Delete'

Very important: What to know before deleting or replacing a team member!

  • When you simply 'delete' a team member, their bookings will still be there. You just won't see the team member on the calendar anymore.

  • 'Revoking login' to Bookem does not disable bookings, as team members can be booked without having access to Bookem.

    Eg. If a team member chooses to not actively use Bookem, but still wants bookings to be made for their services via Bookem, they can be booked via the online booking page or by admin without having access to Bookem themselves.

  • Removing all associated services will ensure that a team member can't be booked for any services.

  • Disabling bookings will remove the team member from your online booking page, ensuring they can't be booked by clients

  • Disabling bookings for a team member is not the same as deleting. Disabling bookings for a team member just means they can't be booked

  • NB: If an email address/login is being reused for another team member:

    -Ensure the Bookem password is updated, and confirm the departing team member no longer has access to the email account.

    -Since one email address cannot be shared between two team members, it’s essential to delete the departing team member before associating the old email address with a new team member.

How to remove a team member

Follow these steps:

1. Go to Settings > Team members

2. Select the team member you want to remove

3. You can now remove the services associated to this team member

4. Go to Settings > Services and go into each service and remove the team member

If you need to remove the team member from a group, go to Settings > Team members > Groups and remove them

5. Next, back in the team member's profile, you can disable bookings by toggling 'This team member can be booked' to OFF

6. Finally, you can now either 'delete' or 'revoke login' in the team member's profile

Question: Can still I access a team member's past/upcoming bookings even though they've left?

Yes! The team member's booking history will not be deleted. It is all safely stored on Bookem. When opening a client's profile, bookings made with the deleted team member will still be visible even after they have been deleted.

Note: If you deleted a location associated with this team member, you will have to undelete the location to see the bookings on the calendar.

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