Creating sendable forms in Bookem

Bookem offers three types of customisable online forms: Sendable, Booking, and Note Forms.

This article covers Sendable forms, which are typically used for new client Intake forms, consent forms, questionnaires, and surveys.

Before we talk about Sendable Forms, let's talk about Fields.

Types of Fields

You can include two types of fields in a Sendable form:

  1. Fields stored only on the form: These fields don't get stored on the client profile but are automatically filled in when the form is submitted. They're useful for details you don't often need, like indemnity clauses or client signatures.

  2. Fields that merge with a client's information on their profile: These fields are stored in the client profile and are automatically filled in when the form is submitted. They're useful for details you need to refer to often. For instance, if a client fills in their medical aid details, these can automatically appear on an invoice.

Learn more about fields in this help article: Setting up Custom Fields for Clients/Patients

How to create a Sendable Form

To create a Sendable form, follow these steps:

1. Go to Forms and select Sendable at the top

2. Click + Add

3. Give the new form a name and click Create

4. Click + Add a Field

5. Select the fields that you want to include in the form.

If you want to include fields that are stored in the client profile, they will be listed under Fields linked to client profile

6. Click Save.

Your form is now created! You can now send the form to clients or add it to your booking workflow.

Editing a Sendable Form

Oops, you've made an error or would like to add/change some things on your form. How does one edit a sendable form? We'll explain:

1. Go to Forms and select Sendable at the top.

2. Click on the edit button on the form you want to change.

3. You can select the fields that you want to include or delete fields in the form

4. Click Save

Send a Sendable Form

Bookem's automated messages allow's you to send forms to clients automatically. To learn more about how to set up automated messages to send clients sendable forms, head over to these articles:

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